In this week’s 15 point series, John Sonmez ( and Phil Simon ( discus Automated Testing. Here are their top 15 points.
- Most popular automated Testing Framework is Selenium
- Jasmine is a popular automated Testing Framework for JavaScript
- In order to automate testing, need some sort of tool to allow you to manipulate browser
- Not as much value for Automated Testing using Waterfall Methodology. Almost impossible to do Agile without using Automated Testing
- A lot of companies are not aware they need Automated Testing (or don’t see the value). A lot of Growth needed within the Industry.
- You’re building an application to test that application
- Have to build an Automated Testing Framework (as the application will be changing)(Key Best Practice!)
- Plan from beginning to make Automated Tests maintainable
- Once Trust lost in Tests, difficult to regain confidence
- When a Test breaks, have to treat it seriously
- Lack of knowledge prevents organizations from embracing Automation
- To develop a Automated Testing Framework, have to be a good developer. Also need to understand Testing and Testing Tools.
- A lot of organizations do not want to do the Investment
- Automate things that you do repeatedly
- Try to automate every Tests before implementing code (provides spec or pass criteria)
If you would like to view the entire Interview, click here.