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Great Is They Faithfulness (cover)

My first YouTube video, Perfectionism

Posted by dwaynemp on  August 30, 2018
Category: Saxophone
In learning to play the Saxophone, my #1 goal has always been to advance to the point where my playing will positively impact other. During my journey, I have had a few opportunities to play in-in-front of live crowds, but I’ve became a perfectionist and never really felt ready. Perfectionism  has its advantages and disadvantages.  For my practice routine, it’s great. I play my scales over and over and won’t stop until I can play

How to feel Awesome!

Posted by dwaynemp on  June 6, 2018
Category: Motivation
This morning, I spent a few minutes meditating on this quote : “Do things for people, especially if they have nothing to offer you”. (Due to the general rating of my website, I’ve edited the actual quote by Tom Bilyeu.) Tom also mentioned that taking this approach will make you feel awesome and Neurochemically, it’s super powerful. As normal, I progressed through my day. Heading home, I met a man who was less fortunate. His - 15 Point Series
In this week’s 15 point series, John Sonmez ( and Phil Simon  ( discus Automated Testing. Here are their top 15 points. Most popular automated Testing Framework is Selenium Jasmine is a popular automated Testing Framework for JavaScript In order to automate testing, need some sort of tool to allow you to manipulate browser Not as much value for Automated Testing using Waterfall Methodology.  Almost impossible to do Agile without using Automated Testing A lot of companies
As I run a few websites, Quality is an upmost concern for me. For a few of my sites, I’ve outsourced development to freelance developers. On the completion of development, they turn to me for validation. As a QA, this is not a problem, but it can be time consuming . To resolve time constraints, I’ve turned to Automated Testing. My Framework is based on a combination of Python & Robot Framework. Robot Framework to
2018 Reading List (Books)

2018 Impact Reading List

Posted by dwaynemp on  December 10, 2017
Category: Leadership, Motivation
I’ve recently finished reading ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor E. Frankl and had been searching for a new book to read. A recent post by Tom Bilyeu (Facebook Page), asked his followers to highlight the books that have made the biggest impact on their lives. This came at a perfect time. Although the original Facebook Post has been regularly updated over the past few day, I thought it would be a great idea to