
“Surf’s up”

While on my weekly nature walk, I observed a group of individuals who were surfing. Due to the waves found in the Lachine Rapids, this was really nothing new.  Lingering around, I noticed a difference. A member of the group had  a long grey beard, balding head, wrinkled skin and appeared to be a lot older than the others. I thought to myself  “what is he doing here, this might be a little too dangerous for him”. After some time, while others were continually  falling off their boards and plunging into the waters, I noticed he maintained consistency in “riding the wave”.  I learned a lesson today, we are never too old. Never too old to start a new career, learn an instrument, learn a language, run a marathon or possibly get married. In fact, this brings to mind an article I have recently read, about an 80 year old first time bride (link). Really, the only limitations we have in life are the ones we set for ourselves. Many do not realize this and never reach their full potential.